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10. Scale


The image of the object in the drawing can be made in full size, reduced or enlarged. The ratio of all linear dimensions of the image of the object in the drawing to their natural size is called the scale.

GOST 2.302—68 establishes the following row of image scales in the drawings:

the magnitude of the decrease is 1: 2; 1: 2.5; 1: 4; 1: 5; 1:10; 1:15; 1:20; 1: 25; 1:40; 1:75; 1: 100; 1: 200;

actual size - 1: 1;

magnification scale - 2: 1; 2.5: 1; 4: 1; 5: 1; 10: 1; 40: 1; 50: 1; 100: 1;

The image of the object in the drawing on the scale of increase or decrease does not provide for the purpose of determining its size, it is caused only by the need for proper visual perception of the shape of the depicted object, therefore, regardless of the scale of the image, the dimensions in the drawing are valid.

The scale in the main inscription of the drawing is denoted by type 1: 1; 12; 2: 1, etc. The scale of the image, which differs from that indicated in the main inscription of the drawing, is indicated directly after the inscription relating to the given image, according to the type: A (1: 10), A – A (2: 5).

created: 2014-09-21
updated: 2024-11-09

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Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics

Terms: Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics