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35. Competing points


Two points in space can be located differently. In a separate case, they can be located so that their projections on any plane of projections coincide. Such points are called competing. In fig. 64, and a complex drawing of points A and B is given. They are arranged so that their projections coincide on the plane P 1 [A 1 == B 1 ]. Such points are called horizontally competing. If the projections of points A and B coincide on the plane

  35. Competing points

Fig. 64

P 2 (fig. 64, b), they are called frontally competing. And if the projections of points A and B on the plane P 3 [A 3 == B 3 ] (Fig. 64, c), they are called profile competing.

By competing points determine the visibility in the drawing. For horizontally competing points, the one with greater height will be visible, with those of frontally competing - the one with greater depth, and with the profile competing - the one with more latitude.


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6. Projection points. Integrated drawing

Terms: 6. Projection points. Integrated drawing