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1. Give the definition of a complex drawing.

2. Name and designate the main projection planes.

3. What is a vertical communication line, a horizontal communication line?

4. What is the name of the distance that determines the position of a point relative to the plane of the projections P 1 , P 2 ?

5. How to build a horizontal projection of a point, if the drawing has its frontal, profile projection?

6. How to build a frontal projection of a point according to the horizontal and profile projections of a point?

7. How to build an additional projection of a point on the plane П 4 _ | _ П 2 , П 4 _ | _ П 1 , П 5 _ | _ П 4 ?

8. What coordinates of a point can be determined by its horizontal projection, profile projection?

9. How can I build a complex drawing of a point according to its coordinates?

created: 2014-09-21
updated: 2021-03-13

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6. Projection points. Integrated drawing

Terms: 6. Projection points. Integrated drawing