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IMAGE OF LINES ON DRAWING § 38. Formation of lines


In general, a line can be represented as a set of consecutive positions of a point moving in space. If a point moves without changing the direction, a straight line is formed, if the direction of movement of the point changes - a curved line is formed .

If a point moves in one plane, a flat line is formed, if its trajectory goes beyond the limits of one plane - this line is called spatial. Spatial lines do not lie with all their points in the same plane. They are also called double curvature lines.

Examples of flat lines can be a circle, an ellipse, an oval. An example of a spatial line is a helix.

Flat lines are divided into circular, consisting of conjugate arcs of circles, and curved - with variable curvature. In the drawings, the circular lines are drawn with a compass, and curved - with the help of patterns.

Graphically, in the drawing, lines are defined using projections. At the same time, the projection connection of at least one of its points should be shown, which allows to avoid uncertainty.

The simplest type of line is straight.

created: 2014-09-21
updated: 2024-11-09

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Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics

Terms: Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics