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84. Removable elements


When carrying out drawings, in some cases it becomes necessary to build an additional separate image of any part of the object that requires explanations regarding the shape, size or other data. Such an image is called a detail. It is usually performed increased. The removable element can be laid out as a view or as an incision.

  84. Removable elements

Fig. 191

When constructing the detailing element, the corresponding place of the main image is marked with a closed continuous thin line, usually an oval or a circle, and is designated with the capital letter of the Russian alphabet on the leader line. At the remote element is recorded on the type A (5: 1). In fig. 191 shows an example of a remote element. It is placed as close as possible to the corresponding place in the image of the object.


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13. Image of objects

Terms: 13. Image of objects