1. What tasks are called metric?
2. What groups of tasks stand out in metric tasks?
3. How to determine the distance between two points of space in the complex drawing; from point to line; from point to plane?
4. How to determine the shortest distance between two parallel lines; intersecting straight; from straight to plane?
5. What constructions need to be performed in the drawing in order to determine the actual size of the angle between two intersecting straight lines of general position?
6. How can we determine the true value of the angle between the planes in general position in the drawing if the edge of the dihedral angle formed by them is not specified?
7. What methods do you know of constructing the true value of a section of a surface by a plane of general position?
8. What is called a surface scan?
9. Which surfaces belong to non-folding surfaces?
10. Is it possible to build a non-deployable surface scan?
11. What is the way to build the development of pyramidal (conical) surfaces?
12. How to build sweep prismatic (cylindrical) surfaces?
13. How to apply a point to the surface scan?
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11. Metric tasks
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