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Physiognomy. what can be recognized by the face types of views: social, intimate and domineering, severe.


Points on the face and body, where your eyes are directed, can dramatically change the outcome of the conversation.
When you finish reading this section, immediately try the techniques we have suggested in practice, without warning anyone about it. You will find that they have a very strong impact on the interlocutor. In order to master these techniques, you will need about a week, and then they will become familiar to you.
There are three main types of views: social, intimate and domineering.

Experiments have shown that, during normal communication, a person’s gaze is directed to a triangular area on a person’s face, as shown in the figure. Here the interlocutors watch 90% of the time.
In this area we look in a safe situation. Such a view is not aggressive and threatening.

Physiognomy. what can be recognized by the face types of views: social, intimate and domineering, severe.
Social gaze zone

When people come together, they gaze at each other to determine gender, and then repeat this look to find out their level of interest. This look slides over the eyes, and then drops below the chin. When the interlocutors are standing next to each other, the intimate look is directed to the triangle between the eyes and the chest. At a considerable distance, the triangle increases from the eyes to the inguinal region or even lower.

Physiognomy. what can be recognized by the face types of views: social, intimate and domineering, severe.
Intimate look area

Men and women use this look to show interest in each other. If the interviewee is also interested, he returns the look. Usually we make two quick glances, and then face again. Although people never admit that they behave in this way, the video shows that everyone, including nuns, does the same.

Physiognomy. what can be recognized by the face types of views: social, intimate and domineering, severe.
The well-developed peripheral vision of the woman allows her to immediately notice in the interlocutor all that is interesting and remain not caught in this occupation. Because of their tunnel vision, men always come across

As we have said before, women have better developed peripheral vision. This allows them to take one look and a male figure from head to toe and go unnoticed. Men have tunnel vision, so they have to move their eyes down and up. It is not surprising that they are constantly accused of staring at female figures. Studies show that women do it more often than men, but thanks to well-developed peripheral vision they are not revealed. Men are doomed to constant accusations.
Men and women stare at the ground for various reasons. For a man, this view allows us to once again evaluate the figure of a woman. The woman also evaluates the man’s dignity of the interlocutor and at the same time demonstrates her humility and, consequently, her attractiveness.

Why is it so difficult for men to make eye contact with women? Because there are no eyes on the chest.

Imagine that a person has a third eye in the center of the forehead. The imperious look is directed in a triangle between all three eyes of the interlocutor. In order to verify the strength of this look, you need to test it in practice.
He not only changes the atmosphere of the conversation, making it very serious, but also immediately relieves boredom. Holding your gaze in this area, you immediately subordinate the interlocutor to yourself.
If your gaze does not fall below the level of the interlocutor's eyes, he will experience a certain pressure. Never look in a similar way at friends during a party or at a loved one on a romantic date. But if you want to stop the interlocutor who tired you too much, such a glance will help put him in his place.

Physiognomy. what can be recognized by the face types of views: social, intimate and domineering, severe.
Imperious look

Stern look

If you have tender, kind or watery eyes, try to make your look stern. This will give you credibility. When someone attacks you, try not to blink during eye contact. Narrow the eyes and stare straight into the attacker. This is what predators do before being cast for prey. A close, unblinking look can make anyone nervous.

Physiognomy. what can be recognized by the face types of views: social, intimate and domineering, severe.
Do not joke with the Terminator!

To look away, slowly look, and then turn your head without turning your shoulders. So Arnold Schwarzenegger looked at his enemies in the “Terminator”, and this look was terrifying. However, we would not advise you to communicate with those who are affected only by such means. Much better to meet cute, sweet


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Body language

Terms: Body language