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Wide eyes


Lowered eyebrows are a signal of dominance or aggression towards others. Raised eyebrows show subordination. Keating found that other primates interpreted these gestures in the same way. He also found that people who consciously raise eyebrows are perceived as submissive and subordinate, and this is characteristic of both people and monkeys. Those who lower eyebrows are perceived as aggressive.
In the book “Why men lie and women roar,” we showed how a woman’s eyes widen, raising her eyebrows and upper eyelids. Women always tend to look like children, as this expression has a compelling impression on men. In men, hormones are immediately released and there is a desire to protect and caress a woman. Women very often pluck eyebrows and paint them above their natural disposition, because they subconsciously know that men like it. When they pull out the eyebrows of a man, they try to make their eyebrows low. Low eyebrows visually narrow eyes and make the appearance of a person more powerful.
John F. Kennedy's eyebrows were lowered and slightly deployed, which gave him a serious, imperious look, very attractive to voters. If Kennedy had thick, bushy eyebrows, such as the actor James Cagney, he would have looked more aggressive than imperious.
  Wide eyes
Highly raised eyebrows made Marilyn Monroe submissive and very attractive.
Lowered eyebrows gave James Cagney an aggressive look.
John F. Kennedy owes his serious, imperious look to a large extent to low-lying, slightly opened eyebrows.
created: 2014-09-28
updated: 2024-11-13

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Body language

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