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Energetic rise


Energetic rise

To control the direction of a person’s gaze, use a pen or pointer. Pointing to something, explain what the listener sees in front of him. Then lift the handle so that it is at the level of your eyes and the listener's eyes. The handle will have a magnetic effect on the listener. He will automatically lift his head, and in this position he will listen to you very carefully. Studies show that in this position, the maximum assimilation of information is achieved. Another tip: keep your other hand open while speaking.
  Energetic rise
Energetic lift - use the pen to control the direction of the listener's gaze at the time of the presentation

We also found that women are more prone to direct eye contact than men, especially in moments of silence. When women speak, they look away more often than men.
Men look at women more often and longer than women look at men. Men are less prone to direct eye contact while listening to other men. But, listening to women, they are happy to meet with their eyes.


Looking has a significant impact on the result of personal communication. If you are going to reprimand a subordinate or your own child, how will you look at it? If you use a social opinion, it is unlikely that your words will be taken seriously, no matter how formidable they are. Social vision will weaken the impact of your words. But the intimate look can either intimidate or completely confuse the interlocutor. In such a situation, an imperious look is optimal, which will immediately show that you are serious and are ready to use the power.

Properly selected view increases your credibility.
What men call the “calling look” can be described as follows: frowning look, dilated pupils, intimate look. If a woman is not going to seduce a man, it is better to refuse such a chain. The intimate look in this situation is replaced by a social one. However, most men miss a lot of nuances. If someone decides to use an imperious look in the process of courtship, he will immediately pass for cold and unfriendly. Remember that using an intimate perspective with a partner, you lose control. Women perfectly know how to use this look, but, unfortunately, this is not given to most men. When a man uses an intimate look, for women it turns out to be overly obvious. Men themselves often do not notice the intimate gaze of women, which simply deduces those of themselves.


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Body language

Terms: Body language