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What are the features of the demonstration in the inguinal region in men?


The most straightforward sexual hint available to a man is the thumbs put on the belt. This aggressive gesture immediately draws attention to the groin area. At the same time, a man can turn around to the interlocutor, direct her foot in her direction, use an intimate look and keep eye contact longer than usual. If a man is sitting or standing, leaning against a wall, he may also spread his legs to further emphasize the inguinal area.
In baboons and other primates, the males emphasize their high position by demonstrating the penis. They spread their legs widely so that other males could be convinced of their superiority, and then from time to time they repeat this gesture so that the other monkeys know who is the owner here. Men do exactly the same, although not as frankly as baboons. Apparently, they are held back only by a prison sentence, relying on such behavior.
In the 15th century, men wore very frank codpieces, designed to emphasize the size of man’s dignity, and, consequently, the social status of the owner. In the XXI century, the aborigines of New Guinea and today openly demonstrate their penises. For the same purpose, residents of Western countries wear tight-fitting trousers, miniature swimming trunks, large keychains on their belts, or release a long belt end.

What are the features of the demonstration in the inguinal region in men?
Men who wear "Sylga" do not wear anything else.

Hanging items allow a man to glance down from time to time and make necessary comparisons. Most women cannot even think about scratching their groins in a public place. Men do it quite calmly and quite often. Such behavior is absolutely similar to the behavior of other primates, it only appears somewhat differently.

Hands on the groin during the dance are a fairly frank form of sexual demonstration.

What are the features of the demonstration in the inguinal region in men?
We believe it is quite clear to you what this aborigine is demonstrating with a traditional penis shield


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