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Cold, sticky handshake


No one likes a cold, sticky handshake, which gives the impression that you have a dead fish in your hands. Due to the stress when meeting with strangers, blood drains from the surface layer of the skin and flows to the muscles of the arms and legs. This is a natural preparation for the Fight or Run reaction. As a result, the temperature of the hands decreases, sweating increases, the hands become cold and sticky, resembling a cold sausage or dead fish. We advise you to always have a handkerchief in your pocket or purse in order to be able to quickly get your hands wet before meeting with an important person for you and not make a bad impression. Before meeting with a stranger, you can also imagine that you hold your hands in front of a burning fireplace. This visualization usually raises the temperature of the palms by 3–4 degrees.


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Body language

Terms: Body language