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As we move from closed to open position


As people begin to feel more comfortable in the group and get acquainted with others, they gradually move from a closed defensive posture with arms and legs crossed into a more open and relaxed posture. The procedure of "disclosure" is almost the same everywhere.
  As we move from closed to open position

1. Uncertainty in each other 2. Openness and friendliness
At the beginning of the conversation, the interlocutors are in a closed position with arms and legs crossed (see Figure 1). As they get to know each other and begin to feel more comfortable and calmer, their position changes. First, the legs move to the position of attention, then the hand, which is in the crossed position from above, is released and the palm is visible. The hand is no longer used as a barrier, although the second still remains in its place. After that, the second hand is also released, which may be on the thigh or in the pocket. And in the end, the interlocutors move into a position with a leg bent forward, which indicates complete mutual understanding (see Figure 2).


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Body language

Terms: Body language