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The presence of a colorful male


In most mammals, males look more colorful, which helps them to attract the attention of less colorful females. In humans, everything happens quite the opposite. Over the centuries, women have struggled to look more sexually attractive. They dressed up in beautiful clothes, decorated themselves with jewels, painted their faces. The only exception is the 16th — 17th centuries, when men began to wear lush wigs and fabulous costumes. Women in that period were far from them. It should not be forgotten that if women dressed and adorned themselves in order to attract the attention of men, then men did the same to emphasize their own status or to intimidate their enemies. Today, this old tradition is being revived, and a man dressed as a peacock is no longer a rarity. Football players are painted and do a manicure, wrestlers dye their hair. In the US, a new breed of men - metrosexuals. These are heterosexual men who replicate women's standards of behavior. Such a man does a manicure and pedicure, dyes his hair, fashionably dresses, likes to soak in the jacuzzi, eats organic vegetarian food, makes himself an injection of Botox to get rid of wrinkles, and is always aware of the latest fashion trends. Most ordinary men metrosexuals seem strange. Observations show that metrosexuals can be divided into three categories: homosexuals, feminine men and men who understand that the assimilation of traditionally female standards of behavior gives them the opportunity to get acquainted with a huge number of women.


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