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Why teacher's pets most often sit on the left


Studies conducted at the University of Oregon have shown that people get much more information about subjects located in the field of view of the right eye. The same studies show that in presenting information to other people, we often turn to them as the “best side”. In accordance with these studies, the left side is your best side, since it is exactly in the right field of view of the interlocutor.

Studies show that the left side of your face is best for presentations.
Dr. John Kershner of the Ontario Education Problems Institute conducted a teacher survey. He found that teachers practically do not look at those students who sit to their right. Right in front of them, teachers looked at 44% of the time, to the left - 39% of the time, and to the right - only 17%. He also found that the students to the left of the teacher do better than those who sit to the right. In addition, teachers are much less likely to find fault with them. Our own research has shown that much more deals are made if the seller is sitting to the left of the buyer. Therefore, sending the child to school, make sure that he sat to the left of the teacher. Adult people who have to attend meetings and sessions will be wiser to sit to the right of the boss.
created: 2014-09-29
updated: 2024-11-15

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