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I can recommend you a simple but very effective method of dealing with such a pose. Give the other person something - a pen, a book, a notebook, a sample. Then he will be forced to change his posture, open his palms and lean forward. So you can make the other person more open and receptive. Ask the other person to lean forward to consider something important. Then he will be forced to abandon the busy position. You can yourself bend over to the interlocutor with open palms and say: “I think you want to ask something?” Or: “What do you think about this?” Leaving your palms in plain sight, you non-verbally show your interlocutor that you want to get an honest, sincere answer.

“Why should I keep all these pens, pencils and booklets?” Asked the buyer, who began to look like a Christmas tree hung with toys. "I will explain this later," the seller replied.

Negotiation vendors and negotiators are well aware that they should not start a product or idea presentation until a potential buyer opens their hands. Buyers almost always have internal objections, which sellers do not notice, because they do not attach importance to the crossing of hands on the chest. You should always remember that arms crossed on your chest are a signal of a negative attitude to something.

created: 2014-09-28
updated: 2024-11-13

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Body language

Terms: Body language