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Dilated pupils


With a certain light, our pupils dilate or contract depending on a change in mood. When a person is excited, his pupils increase almost fourfold. Irritation and anger cause the pupils to narrow. The expressions "beady eyes" or "snake eye" carry a pronounced negative meaning. Bright eyes seem more attractive because they allow you to immediately notice the expansion and constriction of the pupils.
  Dilated pupils   Dilated pupils
Bead eyes Languid look

Eckhard Hess, a former dean of the psychology department at the University of Chicago, found that pupil size very clearly reflects the degree of a person’s arousal. As a rule, when a person sees something interesting or stimulating, his pupils dilate. Hess discovered that the pupils of heterosexual men and women dilate at the sight of an attractive member of the opposite sex and narrow when nice people of the same sex get in sight. The same thing happened when people were offered to look at pleasant and unpleasant photos of products, politicians, disabled children, scenes of bloodshed. Influences pupil size and music. Hess also found out that the size of the pupil is associated with mental activity in solving problems. The maximum pupils dilate at the time of finding a solution.
We used these results in the business world. The same woman depicted in the photo with dilated and constricted pupils seemed to people more and less attractive. This technique allows you to increase sales of products used in close proximity to the face - for example, cosmetics, shampoos, hair ornaments or clothing. Using this technique in directories intended for direct mailing, we managed to increase sales of lipstick “Revlon” to catalogs by 45%. And for this we all needed only a little to widen the pupils of the models shown in the pictures.
  Dilated pupils
What woman seems more attractive to you?

Eyes play a crucial role in the process of courtship. The task of eye makeup is to make them bigger and more expressive. If a woman likes a man, then her pupils are dilated in his presence, and he immediately understands the meaning of such a signal. That is why romantic dates are usually appointed in places with dim lighting. In such an environment, everyone has dilated pupils, which gives the impression that people are very attractive to each other.

What do you think, what part of a man’s body almost triples when he sees a sexually seductive woman?
When lovers look into each other's eyes, they unconsciously try to notice the dilated pupils, and at the same time their mutual excitement increases. Studies show that when watching pornographic films in men, pupils increase almost threefold. Female pupils widen most when looking at photos of mothers and babies. In infants and small children, the pupils are larger than in adults. Pupils of babies are constantly dilated - just like adults trying to look as attractive as possible. It is not surprising that young children attract general attention. Look at any child's toy: the pupil of a furry animal will definitely be expanded.
Research also shows that pupil dilation is a reciprocal process. In men looking at photos of women with dilated pupils, the pupils dilate more than those who are shown pictures of women with constricted pupils.
created: 2014-09-28
updated: 2024-11-13

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