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Palm rubbing


Recently, our friend came to us, who was going to spend a vacation in a ski resort. During the conversation, she leaned back in her chair, smiled broadly, rubbed her palms and exclaimed: “I just can't wait!” With her gesture, she non-verbally made us understand that she expected a lot from this trip.
Rubbing your palms expresses positive expectations. Throwing the dice, a person rubs them for a while in their hands as a sign of hope for a positive outcome for the game. The Master of Ceremonies rubs his palms and says: "So, now the next speaker will speak to us." A joyful salesman rushes into the office of his superior, rubbing his palms, and informs; “We just received a huge order!” However, when the palm of the hand at the end of the dinner is rubbed by the waiter and asks: “Anything else, sir?”, He non-verbally lets you know that he is counting on good tips.
  Palm rubbing
Demonstrating Positive Expectations

The speed of rubbing the palms speaks about for whom the realization of the tested expectations will be favorable. For example, you want to buy a house and come to a realtor. You tell about your wishes, the realtor energetically rubs his palms and says: “I have a suitable house for you!” In this case, the realtor demonstrates his expectations that the results will be favorable for you. But what will you feel if a realtor starts rubbing his hands very slowly, even when he says the same words? You subconsciously feel that he expects profitable for himself, and not for you the results of the transaction.

The vigor of rubbing the palms speaks of who will benefit from the realization of expectations.
Sellers are taught to use palm rubbing when telling potential buyers about the merits of products and services. Vigorous rubbing of palms helps to bring buyers out of defensive mood. If, for example, the buyer vigorously rubs his hands and says: “Let's see what you can offer me!”, The seller immediately understands that the chances of selling a product or service are very high.
  Palm rubbing
“I have a great offer for you!”

When analyzing this gesture, always take into account the context. A person who vigorously rubs his palms while standing at a bus stop on a frosty winter day is unlikely to have positive expectations regarding the bus. Most likely, it just froze.


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Body language

Terms: Body language