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You can copy intonation, stress, speed of speech, and even the emphasis of the interlocutor. It helps to reach mutual understanding and show respect. Such behavior is like singing in unison. It often happens that the speaker beats off the rhythm with a palm, and listeners confirm its rhythm with nods. As relations develop, people start to copy less large signals of the body language, and voice coincidence becomes the main means of achieving mutual understanding. Never speak faster than your interlocutor. Studies show that in such a situation, people begin to feel pressured and adjust negatively. The speed of human speech corresponds to the speed of conscious analysis of information by his brain. Speak the same or a little slower than the interlocutor, copy his stress and intonation. Following the pace is very important in a telephone conversation, because in such a situation, the voice becomes the only means of communication.


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Body language

Terms: Body language