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How to attract the attention of men


If a woman wants to attract the attention of a man who is at a considerable distance from her, she meets his gaze, holds his gaze for two or three seconds, and then looks away and down. This view is quite enough to demonstrate their interest and potential submission. The experience of Monica Moore at Websters University showed that most men are unable to interpret this signal the first time, so a woman has to repeat it three times before a man pays attention to him, four times if the man is a real brake and five or more times for particularly dull. When a woman finally succeeds in attracting the attention of a man, she usually raises her eyebrows and slightly widens her eyes, making it clear that the shooting with the eyes was aimed specifically at him.
In general, it can be said that men have a retarded reaction. If you want to attract the attention of a man, it would be much better to just go up and say: “I like you!” In this case, they will surely understand you.


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Body language

Terms: Body language