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Laughter is the best medicine.


Laughter, like a smile, helps a person to find friends, strengthens health and prolongs life. Laughter has a positive effect on all organs of the body. With laughter, breathing becomes more frequent, a diaphragm, neck, stomach, face and shoulders are developed. Laughter increases the oxygen content in the blood, improves blood circulation and dilates the blood vessels adjacent to the surface of the skin. That’s why people laugh at them as they blush their faces. Laughter reduces heart rate, dilates arteries, stimulates appetite and burns calories.
Neurologist Henry Rubinstein found that one minute of healthy laughter provides relaxation for the next forty-five minutes. Professor William Fry of Stanford University noticed that prolonged laughter gives the body a physical activity comparable to ten minutes of training on the simulator. That is why real, sincere laughter is extremely healthy.

The older we get, the more serious we become about life. An adult on average laughs 15 times a day. Preschool babies laugh an average of 400 times a day.


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Body language

Terms: Body language