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2 8. Functions of non-verbal communication in interpersonal communication.


  • Nonverbal communication as interpretation of information
  • Functions of non-verbal and verbal communication

Non-verbal messages, that is, the interpretation of information without the exchange of words, can be encoded by the following parameters:

  • expressiveness of body movements;
  • sound variety (registration) of speech;
  • in a certain way an organized microenvironment surrounding a person;
  • the use of material objects of symbolic meaning, etc.

Comparative characteristics of non-verbal and verbal communication

Nonverbal communication Verbal communication
The exchange of messages about what is happening "here and now" in the framework of a specific situation with people who have entered into direct interaction The exchange of messages that may exist besides the person transmitting them (for example, in a retelling or in the text), allows you to inform about missing objects or phenomena
Non-verbal messages are difficult to decompose into separate units, their core consists of a wide variety of movements of the body, face, voice, spatial movements, etc. The constituent elements of a verbal message (letters, words, sentences, phrases) are clearly separated from each other, their relationship is subject to certain rules.
Non-verbal behavior spontaneously, involuntary movements prevail over arbitrary, unconscious over conscious Verbal expressions are largely realized, they are easier to analyze, monitor, evaluate, understand
Non-verbal language people, as a rule, successfully assimilate themselves, by observation, copying, imitation Children are taught to speak on purpose, the family and society devote a lot of time and energy to it.

In the process of non-verbal communication, people get reliable information about the identity of the communicator: about his temperament, emotional state, his self-esteem, communicative competence, social status, membership in a particular group or subculture.

In addition, the interlocutors receive information about the attitude towards themselves of the other party. This is information about the desired level of communication, the nature or type of relationships, the dynamics of relationships, etc.

And yet - non-verbal actions provide information about the attitude of the communication participants to the situation itself, and this attitude regulates their further interaction.

  • How are nonverbal messages coded in interaction?
  • What are the features of verbal and non-verbal communication?


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Communication theory

Terms: Communication theory