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Why do we sometimes get wrong


Despite the fact that this approach may seem to be incorrect, when we first meet with strangers, we very quickly draw conclusions about their friendliness, the desire for domination and sexual attractiveness. And while we look at all in the eyes of the interlocutor.
Most researchers believe that words are used by man mainly to convey information, while body language helps to convey interpersonal relationships. In some cases, body language effectively replaces verbal messages. For example, a woman can cast a “deadly look” on a man and, with the help of this look, convey a very clear message without even opening her mouth.
Regardless of culture, words and movements are combined with a high degree of predictability. Birdwistell was the first to notice that a prepared person, after listening to a speaker’s speech on the radio, can absolutely accurately determine what movements the speaker had performed. Birdwistell learned to determine what language a person speaks just by watching his gestures.
Many find it difficult to come to terms with the fact that people are just biological creatures, practically the same animals. We are representatives of primates - Homo sapiens. We are hairless monkeys who have learned to walk on two legs and have a developed brain. But, like any other animal, we obey the same biological laws. It is biology that governs our actions, reactions, body language and gestures.
The most amazing thing is that people very rarely realize that their postures, movements, and gestures do not say what they are trying to express in words.


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Body language

Terms: Body language