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Body direction while sitting


Crossed legs, directed towards the interlocutor, are a sign of interest and sympathy. If he is also interested, he will cross his legs and direct his knees towards the other person. As the interest grows, the interlocutors begin to copy each other’s movements and gestures.
  Body direction while sitting
The direction of the crossed legs suggests that the couple is interested in each other. The man on the right is clearly superfluous.

In the picture you see that the man and the woman on the left side of the sofa formed a closed position, excluding new interlocutors, in particular, the man sitting on the right. If he still wants to participate in the conversation, he needs to take a chair, put it in front of a couple and try to form a triangle or take other actions to violate the closed position. However, apparently, the interlocutors would prefer that he retire far and for a long time.


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Body language

Terms: Body language