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Why we do not like to ride in elevators


The crowding of buses, trains, concerts and theaters leads us to involuntarily invade the intimate zones of other people. In such a situation, it is curious to observe human reaction. Below is a list of unwritten rules of conduct in crowded places (in a crowded elevator, in line at a store or on public transport), which are strictly followed in most countries.
  1. Do not talk to anyone, even with people that you know.
  2. Avoid eye contact with other people.
  3. Make an impassive face - in such a situation is not allowed to show emotions.
  4. If you have a book or newspaper, pretend that its content takes you completely.
  5. In a large crowd, gestures are not welcome.
  6. In any situation you have to watch how the numbers of the floors change.
This behavior is called "camouflage." This is the way people behave everywhere. Neutral mask allows a person to hide their emotions from others.
We often hear people who get to work at peak times by public transport, called unhappy or dull. This assessment is due to the impassive expressions of the passengers' faces, but one should not think that you managed to understand their true feelings. The observer sees only a mask corresponding to the specific situation associated with the inevitable intrusion into the intimate zone of each of the passengers.

People traveling in the subway, not at all unhappy. They just hide their emotions.
Pay attention to your own behavior when you find yourself alone in a crowded movie theater. Once on the spot surrounded by strangers, you immediately begin to obey the unwritten rules of disguise in public places. Saying your territorial rights to the armrest and winning a neighbor’s fight, you begin to understand why people who came to the cinema alone prefer to take their seats when the lights are off and the movie has started. In an elevator, cinema or bus, faceless figures surround us. They do not exist for us, so we do not regard their involuntary invasion of our personal space as an attack.


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