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Conscious use of palms to deceive


We are sometimes asked: “If I tell a lie, but at the same time I’ll keep my hands on view, will they believe me?” The answer to this question may be affirmative and at the same time negative. If you speak a deliberate lie and at the same time demonstrate open palms, you will seem insincere to your interlocutor, since you will be given other microvests that will conflict with open palms and supposedly honest words. Fraudsters and professional liars spend a lot of effort to ensure that the non-verbal signals of their bodies coincide with verbal lies. The more effectively the fraudster uses body language, the better he manages to cheat.

“Will you love me when I become old and gray?” She asks, holding her palms in full view. “I will not only love you,” he replies. “I will even write to you.”

The law of cause and effect

Keeping your palms visible during a conversation, you will be able to instill confidence in yourself from your interlocutor and you will seem to him to be a more sincere and open person. Interestingly, when such a gesture becomes a habit, the tendency to deceive weakens. It is physically difficult for most people to tell lies when their palms are visible to the interlocutor. The law of cause and effect comes into effect. If a person is sincere, he keeps his palms in sight. When the palms are visible, it is very difficult for a person to lie convincingly. This is due to the close relationship between gestures and emotions. If, for example, you feel the need to defend yourself, then, most likely, cross your arms over your chest. But even if you just cross your arms over your chest without any ulterior motive, you will almost immediately feel a desire to defend yourself. If you are talking to your interlocutor, keeping your palms in sight, then you unconsciously force him to tell the truth. In other words, open palms help prevent deception and push the other person to be sincere and open with you.
created: 2014-09-28
updated: 2024-11-14

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Body language

Terms: Body language