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Thirteen most common female courtship cues


Women use the same basic preening gestures as men. They adjust their hair, touch their clothes, put one or both hands on their hips, direct the body or feet to the other person, establish a long-term visual contact. Some women put their thumbs on their belts. Although such a gesture is more characteristic of men, women also use it, but more subtly: usually, only one finger is laid in the belt, pocket or purse.
Women are most sexually active in the middle of the menstrual cycle, when the probability of conception is maximum. At this time, they wear shorter skirts and high heels. Their walk, conversation, manner of dancing and moving become more provocative. They are actively using the signals, which we now talk. We will tell you about the thirteen most common signals of courtship, through which a woman makes it clear to a man that she may be available.


This chain of gestures usually occurs immediately when meeting with an attractive man. A woman throws her head back to brush hair from her shoulders or face. This gesture is used even by those who have a short haircut. A woman tries to make it clear to a man that she is not indifferent to the impression she makes on him. Such a gesture allows her to also activate the release of pheromones, that is, sexual aromatic substances acting on a man.
  Thirteen most common female courtship cues
Woman fixes her hair and allows pheromones to do her job.

  Thirteen most common female courtship cues


In adolescence, boys radically change the structure of the face. Under the influence of testosterone, the chin becomes larger and comes forward, the nose increases, the forehead widens. Such changes help a man to protect his face during fights and clashes with enemies. The bony structure of the girl's face remains almost unchanged, it remains as before as a child. "Puppy" fat makes the girl's face more rounded and full. In particular, it concerns the lips. Large, full lips - this is a clear signal of femininity, since they differ sharply in size from the lips of men. Some women even make special collagen injections to emphasize this difference and become more attractive to men. Full, juicy lips - this is one of the female trumps.
The woman's external lips are almost the same size as the lips on the face. Moisturized lips or lip gloss make a woman in the eyes of a man sexually irresistible.
In a state of sexual arousal in a woman's lips, breasts and genitals fill with blood, and therefore, increase and redden. Lipstick, invented in ancient Egypt four thousand years ago, was intended to imitate sexual arousal. That is why, when we showed men photos of women using lipstick of different colors, they called the most attractive and sensual those whose lips were bright red.
  Thirteen most common female courtship cues
Sexy sirens instinctively understand how to use the mouth and lips in order to attract the attention of men


As mentioned earlier, our body unconsciously gives out our deepest desires. It is they who dictated touching themselves. On the female skin is much more nerve endings than on the male, so women are more sensitive to touch. When a woman slowly, sensually strokes the thigh or neck, then by the way yes, understand a man that he can touch her the same way, if, of course, he plays his cards correctly. At the same time, such touches give a woman the opportunity to present those feelings that will arise when a man touches her.
  Thirteen most common female courtship cues
Sensual poses, so beloved by photographers, are almost always associated with touching yourself.


A sluggish, relaxed wrist is a signal of submission, used exclusively by women and homosexual men. In some ways, this gesture resembles a bird with a supposedly broken wing, trying to lead a predator away from its nest. In other words, this is a great way to attract attention. Such a gesture is very attractive for men, because it allows them to feel the possibility of power over a woman. But in a business setting, such a gesture can seriously harm a woman. She simply will not be taken seriously, although some of her male colleagues may arrange a date for her.
  Thirteen most common female courtship cues
A bird with a broken wing always attracts attention and causes sympathy. Sluggish female wrist serves the same purpose


Stroking a cigarette, a finger, the legs of a glass, a long earring, or another object of a phallic, cylindrical shape is an unconscious expression of secret thoughts. The habit of taking off and putting on the ring again is also a manifestation of the desire for sex. When a woman behaves in this way, a man symbolically tries to possess her - plays her with a cigarette lighter, car keys or other personal items.
  Thirteen most common female courtship cues
Stroking the legs of the glass promises a lot ...


The interested woman gradually opens the tender inner side of the wrist to the potential partner. As interest grows, the wrist demonstration frequency also increases. The wrist has long been considered one of the most erotic areas of the female body, because here is the most delicate skin. It is not known whether such behavior is internalized or innate, but it is clearly carried out on a subconscious level. With such a gesture, the man's palms become visible to the man. It is easiest for a smoking woman to demonstrate her wrists by simply raising her hand with a cigarette to shoulder level. The homosexual men who try to look feminine often resort to the demonstration of the wrist and the throwing back of the head.
  Thirteen most common female courtship cues
Demonstrating the delicate inside of the wrist is a very attractive gesture for men.

Women often put perfume on the wrist, believing that the pulsation of blood in the veins will contribute to the spread of the smell. However, in reality, women just want to attract the attention of the man they are interested in to the inside of the wrist, and the smell is another way to do it.


Raised female round shoulder is very similar to the chest. The woman lowers her eyelids slightly and throws a look at the man over her shoulder, long enough for him to notice. Then the woman looks away. Such a view allows a woman to feel herself peering, and a man to feel that she is being watched.
  Thirteen most common female courtship cues
Raised shoulder emphasizes femininity - it is round and gentle
  Thirteen most common female courtship cues


Women's hips are wider than men's, because women have to bear and bear children. The legs of women are also wider than those of men. Therefore, when walking a woman involuntarily shakes her hips. Men cannot walk like this physically, as a result of which swaying of the hips is perceived as a powerful signal of sexual difference. This also explains why women run slower than men. Swaying the hips is a delicate feminine signal of courtship that has been used in advertising for centuries to improve the sale of goods and services. Women who see such advertising tend to become similar to fashion models and, consequently, purchase an advertised product.
  Thirteen most common female courtship cues
Swaying your hips while walking emphasizes the difference between a man and a woman


Doctors have determined that for a safe delivery, the waist size of a woman should be 70% of the hips. Such a figure is called an “hourglass”. It has long been proven that men instantly pay attention to women with magnificent hips and thin waists. The thinner the waist and the fuller the hips, the greater the interest of men. When the waist and hips are almost the same volume, male interest is completely extinguished. How to emphasize the difference in volume between the hips and waist? Very simple - slightly bending the hips in a standing position.

The inclination of the hips in a standing position emphasizes the ability of a woman to bear and bear children.
Professor Devendra Singh, a psychologist at the University of Texas, studied the physical attractiveness of the Miss America contestants and models that had appeared on the covers of Playboy magazine for 50 years. He found that the ratio between waist and hip volume for all these women ranged from 67% to 80%.
  Thirteen most common female courtship cues
Kylie Minogue has everything men dream about: long hair, beautiful neck, waist-to-hip ratio 70%, half-open wet mouth, full lips, half-eyed eyelids, beautiful breasts, round buttocks. In addition, in this photo, she touches herself and shakes her hips seductively

Professor Singh conducted an experiment in which he showed men photos of women of different weights - thin, full and normal . Men were asked to evaluate their attractiveness. The most attractive were women of average weight, in which the ratio between waist volume and hip volume was 70%. Among fat and thin women, the most votes were collected by those who had the thinnest waist. The experiment showed that men consider attractive even fat women if their waist is much thinner than their hips. Hence, a large woman can attract admiring glances to herself if she maintains such a ratio.


Most men have never seen the contents of a handbag. Studies show that men are afraid of panic even touching the subject, not to mention opening it. Ladies' handbag - it is a purely personal subject, almost a continuation of the female body. Therefore, when a woman moves her purse to a man - this indicates a significant closeness. If a woman finds a man very interesting, she can slowly stroke and caress her purse. She can ask him to hand over her purse or even get something out of her. If a woman puts a handbag so that a man can see or even touch her, this suggests that the man is very attractive. If the bag is removed away, then the woman prefers to keep a distance.
  Thirteen most common female courtship cues
If the bag is near the man, then the woman considers it very attractive.


If a woman is sitting with her legs tucked up, her knees are always directed towards the person whom she considers most interesting. This is a calm, relaxed posture, talking about the informal nature of the conversation. In addition, it gives the woman an additional opportunity to demonstrate the hips.
  Thirteen most common female courtship cues
The knee is directed to the most interesting man.


Playing with a half-taken shoe also indicates a calm, relaxed mood of a woman. In addition, the sock that appears, then hiding from the sight looks very sexy. Such a gesture is able to excite many men, although they do not even understand what is happening to them.
  Thirteen most common female courtship cues
The shoe says a lot


  Thirteen most common female courtship cues
Legs crossed in parallel, like all men without exception

Most men consider the most attractive female posture to be when a woman is sitting cross-legged and pointing them parallel to each other. Women consciously use this posture to draw attention to their legs. Albert Sheflen argues that when his legs are tightly compressed, one gets the impression of strong muscle tone, and therefore, a woman’s readiness for sexual activities.
Sometimes women slowly cross and straighten their legs again, sitting right in front of the man. At the same time, they gently stroke the hips, thereby showing that they would like to be stroked.
  Thirteen most common female courtship cues
Without re-reading what you read, try to find more signals and courting gestures.
created: 2014-09-29
updated: 2024-11-14

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