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Laughter must be taken seriously


Studies show that people who laugh or smile, even without feeling happy, affect the so-called "zone of happiness", located in the left hemisphere of the brain. During one of the studies of laughter, Richard Davidson, a professor of psychology and psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin, was taking an electroencephalogram from people who showed funny films. Smiles caused a sharp increase in the electrical activity of the “happiness zone”. Professor Davidson found that consciously caused smiles and laughter can cause a state of real happiness in the brain.
Ernie Kann, a professor of psychology at the University of North Carolina, discovered that humor helps to effectively deal with stress. Kann conducted an experiment in which people who showed the first symptoms of depression took part. Two groups of people watched videos for three weeks. Those who were shown comedies could almost completely get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Those who watched non-comedy films remained in the same condition. Professor Kann found that those who suffer from a stomach ulcer, frown more often than healthy people. If you catch yourself in a sullen expression, put a hand to your forehead during a conversation. This will help you get rid of the bad habit.


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