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American Four


This posture can be considered a sitting type of groin demonstration, since it emphasizes the genitals. This position is characteristic of men from the United States and from countries that are strongly influenced by America. So often sit young people and Singapore, Japan and the Philippines. This position immediately gives out fighting spirit. Such a man is unlikely to give way to you in a dispute. The demonstration of genitalia is a sign of aggression in monkeys. This technique allows you to avoid the troubles that could have happened if there had been a fight. Among primates, the male with the most impressive genitalia is immediately considered the winner. In countries such as Australia and New Zealand, you can see the European crossing of legs, and the “American Four”. During World War II, the Nazis kept a close eye on people, as the habit of sitting in that position testified to the time spent in the United States.

I am ready to challenge any argument - the “American Four”

American Four
The Quartet is not very common among older people in the UK and European countries. However, this position can often be seen in countries such as Russia, Japan, Malta and on the island of Sardinia. The youth here has grown up on American films and television programs and is happy to copy what they see. A man sitting in this position is perceived not only as domineering and energetic, but also as more young. However, in the countries of the Middle East and Asia, such a posture is considered an insult, because when it is on display, the sole is exposed, that is, that part of the shoe that touches dirt.
Women who wear trousers and jeans sometimes take this posture, but, as a rule, they do it only in the company of other women, because they don’t want to seem too manly or sexually accessible in a different setting.
Studies show that most people make the final decision in those moments when both feet are firmly on the ground. If your partner is sitting in the position of the “American Four”, you should not ask him to make a decision immediately.


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Body language

Terms: Body language