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Pose defensive, frozen or "just comfortable"?


Some people claim that they do not cross their legs at all because they are in a defensive or irritated state. They just feel cold. But, trying to warm our hands, we thrust them under our arms, rather than clasping our elbows with them, as with a defensive cross. When we freeze, we embrace ourselves, while crossing our legs, straighten them and press them tightly together. Defensive posture more relaxed and calm.
  Pose defensive, frozen or just comfortable?
Most likely, this woman is frozen or she needs to go to the toilet.

People who often cross their arms or legs prefer to say that they are cold than to admit that they are nervous, anxious or worried about something. Others say that they are so "comfortable." And while they, most likely, do not prevaricate. When a person is worried or anxious, he is much more comfortable with arms and legs crossed, since such a posture makes it possible to hide a true emotional state.


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Body language

Terms: Body language