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Handshakes of men and women


Although women in recent decades have confidently occupied a serious position in the business world, many still feel a certain embarrassment during a greeting. Most men gain handshake skills from their fathers, but few women also go through such a school. In adulthood, this can become a source of awkwardness: a man extends his hand for a handshake, and a woman simply does not notice her, because he looks at his face. Feeling embarrassed by the fact that his hand hung in the air, the man removes her, hoping that the woman would not notice. But at this moment the woman notices the outstretched hand and in response stretches her own. And now her hand is already hanging in the air. A man stretches his hand, and as a result, their fingers intertwine, giving the impression of two passionately in love octopuses, merged in ecstasy.

The impression of the first meeting between a man and a woman can be hopelessly flawed with an incorrect handshake.
If this happens to you, intercept the interlocutor’s right hand with your left hand, then shake it with your right hand and say with a smile: “Let's try again!” and that you want to make a good impression. If you are a business woman, it would be wise to make your interlocutor understand that you are going to shake hands with him, and not take him by surprise. Stretch your hand as early as possible so that the other person will immediately understand your intention. This will avoid embarrassment.


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Body language

Terms: Body language