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Body slope and status


Historically, an increase or decrease in growth in the presence of another person has been used as a means of establishing a “boss – slave” relationship. To the persons of royal blood, we refer to "Your Highness" or "Your Majesty." Unworthy acts are often called “low”, “low”. No one wants to be accused of myopia. At an improvised rally, the speaker rises to an empty box to be above the rest. The judge sits on a dais, above the jury. Olympic champions climb the highest rung of the podium, leaving rivals down. People living in the penthouse have more authority and authority than those who settled on the first floor. We are talking about the upper and lower classes of society.
No self-respecting god will live in the valley, in the plain or in the dungeons. No, the gods live in Valhalla, on mountain Olympus or simply in heaven. And everyone understands that in order to pay attention to his words, it is necessary to stand up.
Most women squat when meeting royals, while men bow their heads or take off their hats to appear smaller than a high ranking interlocutor. Modern salute is a peculiar form of removing the hat and visually reducing one's own height. Today, a man without a hat touches his forehead with his fingers, symbolically repeating the greeting gestures of his ancestors. The lower the position of a person, the more he tries to reduce his height.
  Body slope and status
We reduce our growth in order to demonstrate a subordinate position, or increase it, trying to establish our status

In Japan, the “bowing machine” was invented, which teaches staff how to bow to customers. If the buyer “only looks”, the bow should be only 15 degrees. If the buyer has a clear intention to make a purchase, he should bow down much lower by 45 degrees. In a business setting, however, you should not go overboard with bows, as this can spoil your reputation among your colleagues.


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Body language

Terms: Body language