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Why the Japanese always lead in a waltz


At international conferences, Americans who grew up in cities usually range from 46 to 122 cm from each other and stay in one place during a conversation. If you watch the conversation between Japanese and American, you will notice that this couple is slowly moving around the room. The American retreats from the Japanese, and the Japanese moves toward him. There is a clear attempt of both interlocutors to maintain a comfortable distance. The Japanese intimate zone is only 25 cm. Therefore, the Japanese are moving forward to meet their spatial needs. But at the same time he invades the intimate zone of an American, forcing him to retreat. When watching a video of such a conversation, scrolled at increased speed, it seems that the interlocutors waltz around the room, and the Japanese are constantly leading. That is why during the negotiations Asians, Europeans and Americans look at each other with suspicion. Americans and Europeans consider people in Asian countries as intrusive and arrogant, while Asians are Europeans and Americans seem cool, arrogant and arrogant. Misunderstanding of differences in the size of intimate zones among residents of different countries sometimes leads to wrong conclusions and errors that can affect the outcome of negotiations.


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Body language

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