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Arms crossed


Crossing his arms across his chest, a person unconsciously tries to build a barrier between himself and someone or something unpleasant. There are many such provisions, but we will discuss some of the most common ones. Arms crossed over your chest are a universal gesture. Almost universally, it is regarded as defensive or negative. This stance is often taken by people who are among strangers - at a business meeting, in a queue or elevator, that is, in a situation of lack of confidence in their own security.
Once we attended a meeting of the local council, the problem of tree felling by developers was discussed. Representatives of developers were sitting in one part of the hall, and their opponents, the local “greens”, were in the other. Approximately half of those present at the very beginning of the meeting crossed her arms over her chest. When the developers spoke, almost all the “greens” crossed their arms. During the performance of the environmentalists, the developers did the same. This example clearly shows that people do not cross their arms over their chest when they do not agree with what they are told. can bring their ideas to the audience simply because they do not notice that they crossed their arms. Experienced speakers are well aware of the meaning of such a gesture and correct their performance in time so as to increase the perception of the audience and change the mood from negti clearly positive.

  Arms crossed
Arms crossed over his chest: he is not going to open his soul before you and does not expect anything like it on your part.

If you see that the interlocutor crossed his arms over his chest, you can safely assume that he does not agree with your words. It is senseless to continue the conversation in the same tone, even if the interlocutor verbally expresses full agreement. Non-verbal signals do not lie, you can only lie in words.

While the interviewee keeps his arms crossed on his chest, a negative attitude prevails in him.

In this case, you should delicately find out what caused the disagreement of your interlocutor, and try to translate him into a more susceptible state. Do not forget that as long as his hands remain crossed, the negative attitude remains. This posture was caused by a certain attitude, and it can only strengthen it.

created: 2014-09-28
updated: 2024-11-13

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Body language

Terms: Body language