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Rectangular meeting tables


The person sitting at the head of a rectangular table, as a rule, is endowed with great influence, even if all those gathered have the same status. During the meeting of people endowed with the same status, the person sitting in seat A has the greatest influence (of course, if he does not sit with his back to the door).
  Rectangular meeting tables
Seating at a rectangular table

If interlocutor A is sitting with his back to the door, interlocutor B is considered to be the most influential. They found that when placed at a rectangular table, the person sitting at the head is endowed with the highest status. It is him who is often considered the leader, especially if he belongs to the upper class. With such an arrangement at the table, as shown in the figure, juror A. has the highest status. He is followed by jury B, then D, then C. Positions A and B are perceived as problem-oriented. Position D was most often held by an emotional leader of the jury, usually a woman. She was most concerned with the relationship between the jury, and she tried her best to involve everyone in the discussion. The results of this experiment make it possible to manage the course of meetings: just place the tables with the names of the participants on the table and arrange them according to your wishes. In this case, you can influence the course of negotiations or meetings.


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Body language

Terms: Body language