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The direction of the look - where are you looking?


To achieve a real understanding with the interlocutor can only be looking him straight in the eye. Talking to some people makes us feel quite comfortable, while talking to others is annoying and even angry. Individual interlocutors seem to us insincere and not trustworthy. These feelings are related to how long a person looks at us or holds our gaze.
Michael Argyll, a specialist in social psychology and non-verbal communication, found that during the conversation, the interlocutors met with views 61% of the time. 41% of this time falls on those moments when a person speaks, 75% - when he listens, and 31% of the time the interlocutors look at each other. The average duration of a look is 2.95 seconds, and the duration of eye contact is 1.18 seconds. We noticed that the duration of eye contact during a normal conversation varies from 25% to 100% of the total talk time. This indicator depends on the origin of the interlocutors and their nature. When we speak, we look at the interlocutor 40-60% of the time, and when we listen, the gaze time increases to 80%. The only exception to this rule is Japan and some countries in Asia and South America, where prolonged eye contact is considered a manifestation of aggression and disrespect. The Japanese prefer to look to the side or to the area of ​​the throat of the interlocutor, which is very embarrassing to residents of Western countries who are inexperienced in the language of body movements.
Argyll noticed a curious fact. If person A sympathizes with person B, he will often and often look at him. This forces person B to decide that person A. likes him. Naturally, a reciprocal feeling of sympathy will also awaken in him. In other words, in most cultures, to establish complete understanding with another person, it is necessary that your views meet between 60% and 70% of the talk time. This awakens in the interlocutors sympathy for each other. It is not surprising that few people trust in nervous, intimidated people who meet with the interlocutor with a glance no more than 30% of the talk time. That is why during the negotiations you should not wear glasses with tinted glasses. Your partners will feel a certain discomfort: it will seem to them that you are either looking at them intently or consciously avoiding eye contact.

He married her because of her gaze, but not because of how she began to look at him after the wedding.
Like other signals of the language of gestures, the look largely depends on the nationality of the person. Always remember this before drawing any conclusions. The safest way to behave in countries like Japan is to copy the behavior of the hosts.
When strangers meet, the one who occupies a subordinate position is the first to look away. This means that the persistent gaze expresses a certain challenge or is a sign of disagreement with the point of view of the interlocutor. However, if the status of the interlocutor is higher than yours (for example, you are talking to the boss), disagreement can be expressed by holding his gaze for several seconds longer than usual. But we do not advise you to do this all the time (unless, of course, you want to save your job!).


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Body language

Terms: Body language