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How to equip the office


Having read to this place, you probably already understood how to furnish your office in order to raise your status, gain control, or, on the contrary, create an informal, friendly atmosphere. Here is a small study that we carried out by re-equipping the manager's office so that it became easier for him to communicate with his subordinates.

John worked in a large financial company. He held a rather high position and had a private office. A few months later, John felt that his subordinates did not like to turn to him. His relations with colleagues became strained, and the situation was even more aggravated in his office. John found it difficult to get subordinates to carry out their orders. Subordinates began to whisper behind his back. We noticed that when we entered John’s office, almost everyone was very hostile.
Now we are not going to talk about the professional qualities of John and focus only on the non-verbal aspects of the problem. That's what we found in the office.
  1. The visitor's chair was located in a rival position relative to John's chair.
  2. The walls of the office were deaf, with the exception of a window and a transparent stained glass window through which John could see the common room, and employees could see it. The fact that employees could always see John noticeably lowered his status and raised the status of a subordinate sitting in a visitor chair, since he could only be seen from the back, that is, for the rest of the employees, he was in the top position.
  3. John's desk was closed in front. The lower part of his body remained invisible, and his subordinates could not determine his mood by her signals.
  4. The visitors' chair was located in such a way that the subordinate turned out to be with his back to the open door.
  5. John often sat in a “catapult” position or threw his legs on the arm of the chair in the presence of subordinates.
  6. John had a swivel chair with a high back and armrests. Visitors sat on a chair with fixed legs, with a low back and without armrests.
  How to equip the office
Initial view of the cabinet of john

From a non-verbal point of view, John’s office was simply monstrous. Everyone who entered here, immediately felt the unfriendly atmosphere reigning in it. We have tried to make John's office more friendly and conducive to communication. What have we done?
  1. John's table, we moved to the glass stained glass, so that his office began to look bigger. In addition, he became immediately visible to those who entered his office. Now John himself welcomed the incoming, not his desk.
  2. We moved the visitor chair to the corner position, which made communication more open. The angle began to play the role of a partial barrier, instilling confidence in not sufficiently confident subordinates.
  3. We covered the glass stained glass with a mirror film. Now John could see the subordinates, and the subordinates stopped seeing him. This enhanced the status of John, ensured the safety of his territory and created a more intimate atmosphere inside the office.
  4. In the corner of the office, we set a low round table with three identical swivel chairs around it. Here you can hold informal meetings.
  5. Initially, the visitor was given half the table of John. Now John could lay claim to the whole table.
  6. John learned to sit in an open position. We advised him to fold his palms in the "spire" and consciously use gestures during conversations with subordinates.
What were the results? The relationship between John and his subordinates improved markedly. John began to be considered a sociable person with whom it was pleasant to work.
  How to equip the office
Changed cabinet environment

You need to raise your own status in the eyes of others and increase the effectiveness of communication. Do not forget about the importance of non-verbal signals in work and home environment. Unfortunately, most of the rooms are furnished in the same way as John’s office was arranged before our recommendations. This is explained by the fact that interior designers are engaged in the situation, and not psychologists who understand the nature of interaction between people. Negative non-verbal signals are taken into account very rarely, and yet people subtly feel them on a subconscious level.
Study the environment of your own office and, if necessary, make positive changes.


Remember that you can always manage power games inside the office and even plan them in advance. Adam did not know that in Western countries women can not tolerate men in chocolate-brown suits and goat beards, even if it is demanded by fashion. Subconsciously, this image is associated with Satan. And the earring in the ear and the inflated briefcase filled with papers ... Well, such subjects at the interview can be afforded only by a person who has no idea about the language of gestures.


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