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Laughter and love


Robert Provine noticed that in the process of courtship women are more likely than men to smile and laugh. Laughter in this context is used to determine how successful the relationship of the couple will be. Simply put, the more often a man makes a woman laugh, the more attractive she thinks he is. This is due to the fact that the ability to make laugh is perceived as the dominant feature, and women always prefer dominant men, while men like submissive women. Provine noticed that subordinates often laugh to emphasize the superior position of the leader. The leader can make the subordinates laugh (but he does not laugh at the same time) in order to emphasize his superiority.

Studies show that women laugh at men who like them, and men, in turn, are attracted to women who laugh at them.
It is not surprising that a sense of humor occupies a leading place in the list of the most attractive for women qualities of a man. When a woman says: “He is so funny! We laughed for the whole evening, ”he means that she laughed all evening, and he made her laugh.

From the point of view of a man, a woman with a sense of humor does not have to be able to tell jokes. She just has to laugh at his jokes.
On a deeper level, men understand the attractiveness of a sense of humor. Therefore, they spend so much time competing with each other in the ability to tell jokes. Sense of humor greatly enhances the status of men. Many men do not like to give up the primacy in such a joking competition, especially if there are women present and laugh merrily at the jokes of the winner. As a rule, men consider such a person not only ignorant, but also not possessing a sense of humor - and this despite the fact that women laugh at his jokes. It is necessary to understand that a man with a sense of humor seems attractive to most women. Fortunately, a sense of humor can be developed in yourself.
  Laughter and love
So women perceive men. Left shows how a woman perceives a man who did not manage to make her laugh. In the right picture, the same man through the eyes of the woman he made laugh.


When you smile to another person, he almost always answers you with a smile. And it creates a positive attitude, and you, and your interlocutor. The law of cause and effect comes into effect. Studies show that when participants in negotiations or other events constantly smile at each other and laugh, the process goes more smoothly, calmly and quickly brings positive results. Try to make a smile and laugh a familiar state.
It can be said with firm confidence that smiles and laughter strengthen the immune system, protect the body from diseases, heal the body, prolong life, help sell ideas, better teach and expand the circle of friends. Humor truly heals.
created: 2014-09-28
updated: 2024-11-13

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