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Graham's Story


Graham has developed in himself a skill that a great many men passionately dream of.
He comes to parties and receptions, quickly reveals all available women, makes a choice, makes an acquaintance in a record short time, leaves the woman who is interested in him, escorts her to his car and brings him home. Sometimes Graham manages to do this several times in the evening. It seems that a special radar is built into it, which allows to clearly determine the accessibility of a woman, and then convince her to spend the evening with him. No one knew how Graham did it.
Analyzing animal rituals, zoologists and behaviorists have found that males and females use a number of signals and gestures that are obvious and not very much, and for the most part do so unconsciously. In the animal world, the courting ritual within each species takes place according to predefined rules. For example, in birds, males revolve around females, scream, spread feathers and make complex movements, similar to dance. Males do their best to attract the attention of the female, but she doesn’t even turn her head toward them. This ritual is very reminiscent of the beginning of courtship in humans.
In the human world, flirting includes sequences of gestures and expressions that are very reminiscent of bird dances and the rituals of other animals. You must have seen something similar on television in programs devoted to the wild.
The bottom line is that when a person wants to attract the attention of a member of the opposite sex, he does this by emphasizing sexual differences. If we want to get rid of obsessive attention, then we begin to hide and hide these differences.

Emphasizing sexual differences helps a person to look sexy.
First, Graham sought out women who had sent accessibility signals, and then responded to their signals with gestures of male courtship. Interested women sent the appropriate signals, that is, allowed Graham to proceed to the next stage.
The success of a woman in personal relationships is directly related to her ability to send men courtship signals and correctly recognize the response. The success of a man depends on the ability to recognize the signals sent to him and only then take his own actions. Most women perfectly recognize the signals of courtship, but men are much less susceptible, if not completely blind. That is why many men find it difficult to find potential partners. It is also difficult for women to find a suitable partner, but not because of the inability to recognize the signals of courtship, but rather because men do not meet their high requirements.
Graham knew perfectly well what to look for. Not surprisingly, women considered him sexy, manly, irresistible. “Next to him, I feel like a real woman,” said his girlfriends. So they reacted to his attention and the courting signals that he generously used. Men considered Graham to be aggressive, insincere, arrogant. Such was their reaction to the preference which women clearly gave to Graham. Not surprisingly, Graham had few male friends — what kind of man would tolerate the presence of a potential rival next to him. In this section, we will talk about the female signals that Graham so deftly recognized and the signals of the body language that he used in response.


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Body language

Terms: Body language