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Consistently sour expression


If the raised corners of the mouth express happiness and contentment, then lowered down give the face a sour, dissatisfied expression. Such an expression is characteristic of people who feel unhappy, depressed, irritated, tense, dependent. Unfortunately, when such emotions become intrusive, the corners of the mouth can always be in a lowered state.
With age, this habit makes a person look like a bulldog. Studies show that others instinctively eschew such people, prefer not to meet with their gaze and try to stay away from them. If this expression is peculiar to you, try to smile more often. A smile will help you not to look like an evil dog and significantly improve your mood. In addition, small children will stop scaring you, and friends and colleagues will not consider you an old grumbler.
  Consistently sour expression
Sour facial expression may become habitual. Surrounding instinctively trying to stay away from such people.


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Body language

Terms: Body language