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Standing positions


This is a formal position, demonstrating a neutral attitude with no intention to run or stay. When men and women communicate, women often stand this way because it allows them to close their knees. Schoolchildren take this position, talking to teachers, junior officers are pulled out in front of their senior officers. So are the subjects in front of the queen and subordinates in front of the chief.

Standing positions
Attention pose

As mentioned earlier, this position is peculiar mainly to men. This is a kind of groin demonstration. In this position, the man stands firmly with both feet on the ground, clearly showing that he has no desire to run. This is a signal of male domination, since it emphasizes the genitals. A man in this position feels like a real macho.

Standing positions
Groin Demonstration - Flaunting Your Masculinity

Male athletes often stand in this position opposite one another during a competition, drawing attention to their groin area. This posture allows men to emphasize their masculinity and show team spirit.

Standing positions
Groin demonstration peculiar to real macho and cool guys

In this position, the weight of the body is shifted to one leg, and the second is put forward. In the Middle Ages in this position often depicted people occupying a high position. In this case, the artist could depict thin stockings and luxurious shoes, testifying to wealth.

Standing positions
One leg is bent forward, the toe indicates the direction where a person unconsciously wants to go.

This posture allows you to immediately understand the intentions of the person, because we usually direct the sock to where we would like to go. This posture can be regarded as the beginning of walking. Being in a group, we direct the sock towards the most interesting and attractive person. When we want to leave, our sock turns out to be directed towards the nearest exit.

The next time you find yourself in a group of men and women, pay attention to the fact that some of them are standing with arms and legs crossed. Take a closer look, and you will notice that such people are a little farther from their interlocutors than the rules require.
If they are wearing raincoats or jackets, then most likely outerwear will be buttoned. This position is usually taken in the environment of unfamiliar people. After talking with such people, you will definitely make sure that someone or all of them are unfamiliar.
If the open legs show openness or dominance, the crossed legs give a closed, subordinate or defensive mood, since in such a pose, any access to the genitals is closed.

Standing positions
Crossing legs while standing

If a woman accepts such postures, the interlocutor can draw two conclusions: first, she intends to stay and not leave; but second, access to it is closed. When a man is in this position, it means that he remains, but wants to be sure that you do not "kick him to the most vulnerable place." Open legs - a demonstration of masculinity. Crossed legs - protection of masculinity. If a man feels his superiority over the interlocutor, the demonstration of the groin would be quite appropriate. If he is in the company of overwhelming males, such a gesture will make a man feel his vulnerability. Studies show that those who lack confidence are most often crossed legs.

Spread legs prove the man’s confidence in himself, crossed legs give secrecy and vulnerability.

Standing positions
Scissors - , but this person is not going to leave

Imagine that you see a group of men standing with their arms outstretched in their jackets unbuttoned. Men are relaxed. Each person has put his foot forward, with his socks pointing towards other members of the group. Men gesticulate and constantly invade each other’s personal space. Immediately it becomes clear that these people are well acquainted with each other. They can even be called friends.
Even if the facial expressions and tone of the voices of men standing with arms and legs crossed are absolutely relaxed and calm, you will immediately understand that they are far from being as confident in each other as they want to show.
Try a little experiment. Join a group of strangers, cross your arms and legs and make a serious face. One by one, the members of the group will begin to cross their arms or legs and remain in that position until you, a stranger, leave. Stand back and watch the group. Men will gradually return to their former position, feeling much calmer.
Crossing the legs not only produces a negative, defensive mood, but also disrupts the overall sense of security. All members of the group immediately feel this attitude.


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Body language

Terms: Body language