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Decision making at lunch


Taking into account all that was said about the territory and the impact of square, rectangular and round tables, let's talk about how you can achieve a favorable decision from a person by inviting him to a restaurant.
If at lunch you are going to talk about business, we advise you to complete the negotiations before the first course is served. For food, conversation usually turns to general topics, and alcohol generally obscures the mind. After eating, blood flows from the brain and goes to the stomach to facilitate digestion. In such a state, it becomes more difficult for people to think clearly. Although some men know how to use it on dates, in a business setting such circumstances are tantamount to a catastrophe. State your suggestions while the attendees are active enough.

No one makes decisions with a full mouth.
Hundreds of thousands of years ago, primitive man returned with loot at the end of the day, and the whole tribe was fed up to the depths of the cave. At the entrance there was a fire burning, scaring the predators and warming the whole cave. Primitive people sat with their backs to the walls of the cave so that no one attacked them from behind while they were consumed with food. The silence of the cave was broken only by champing, rumbling, the crunch of bones and the crackling of fire. The ancient custom of eating food near an open fire at dusk has been preserved to this day. Remember the fun barbeque on the lawn or gala dinners. Modern man at such events behaves exactly the same as his primitive ancestor hundreds of thousands of years ago.
Let's return to our restaurant. So that you can get a favorable response, your interlocutor must relax and remove the defensive barriers. What should be done? Remember all that we have just told you about the primitive man. After all, we laid out to you a few basic rules, which should be followed.
First, when dining at home or in a restaurant, put your interlocutor with your back to a wall or screen. Studies show that when a person sits with his back to open space, his breathing and heartbeat increase, his blood pressure rises, the frequency of brain waves increases. These symptoms are especially pronounced in cases where people often walk behind their backs. Tension increases even more if a person sits with his back to an open door or window located at floor level. If you want to bring the interlocutor out of balance, put him in that way, but remember that you cannot wait for a favorable answer in this case. In order for your interlocutor to relax, you must play muffled music in the hall. Dim, diffused light also has a calming effect. In expensive restaurants near the entrance often install a fireplace or imitation of the fireplace, creating the impression of a fire burning at the entrance to the primitive cave. It is best to choose a round table. Sit the interlocutor so that a screen, a column or a large plant hide it from other customers. This will allow you to fully capture the attention of your guest.
Expensive restaurants are well aware of all these rules and shamelessly use them to shake out more money from visitors for quite ordinary food. And men constantly fall for this trick and are willing to pay for a romantic atmosphere. In such circumstances, to achieve a favorable solution is much easier than in a restaurant filled with bright light, under the tinkle of knives and forks.


Seating at the table should not be random. By planting certain people in certain places, you can greatly influence the outcome of the meeting. The next time you go to a meeting with someone, ask yourself who you want to influence and where you can settle down in order to achieve this goal. Which of those present will contradict you? If there is no universally recognized leader at the meeting, who will decide to take the leading place in order to empower themselves with the greatest power? If you want to control the process, where should you sit? Answers to these questions will help you better plan your strategy and really gain control of the situation. And then others will not be able to suppress you and impose their will on you.


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