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What channel are you tuned to?


Eye movements betray the mental work of a person. You immediately understand whether your interlocutor recalls what he had previously seen, heard, smelled, touched, or felt to the taste. This technique was developed by American psychologists Grinder and Bundler. It is called neuro-linguistic programming or NLP for short.
  What channel are you tuned to?   What channel are you tuned to?
A: She recalls a previously seen image. Q: She remembers the sound that was previously heard.
  What channel are you tuned to?   What channel are you tuned to?
S: She recalls the previously experienced feeling D: She has an internal dialogue with herself.
When a person remembers what he once saw, his gaze is directed upwards. Recalling what he had previously heard, a person turns his gaze to the side and bows his head slightly, as if listening. When people recall feelings or emotions, they look down and to the right. While conducting an internal dialogue with himself, a person looks down and to the left.
The difficulty lies in the fact that such movements last only a fraction of a second and are usually part of a large chain of gestures. However, with slow motion video playback, it is possible to determine the differences in what a person says and what he really thinks.
Thirty-five percent of people prefer a visual information channel. They often use phrases like “I see what you want to say”, “Let's take a closer look at this problem”, “Everything is absolutely clear”, “Could you show me?”. In order to get their attention, show them photos, tables, graphics. Ask if they imagine a picture.
Approximately 25% of people prefer the sound channel. They use phrases like “I’m listening to you,” “It doesn’t sound very attractive.” Another 40% of the population prefer the sensual channel. In their speeches you can hear phrases like “I can’t grasp the essence of your sentence.” They love to feel everything with their own hands, to try, to conduct a test. The best means of convincing such people is a clear demonstration and trial.
NLP is a great science and powerful communication tool. NLP can be applied in various areas. We strongly advise you to get acquainted with the works of Grinder and Bandler.


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Body language

Terms: Body language