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Male signals and gestures of courtship


Caring for a woman, a man first of all emphasizes his strength, wealth and status. If you are a woman, then you will most likely be disappointed with the very modest size of the arsenal of male courtship signals in comparison with women. Women dress beautifully, skillfully use make-up and use a lot of signals and gestures of courtship. Men start their cars, talk about how much they earn, and pick up other men. The effectiveness of male courtship in most cases can be compared with attempts to fish with a big stick. Not a single man has yet managed to master so many methods of “fishing” fishing, like a woman.
In this part we will talk about the most common male courtship signals that you almost certainly encountered and face all the time. Must disappoint you - almost all of them are concentrated in the groin area. Men, as a rule, do not know too well how to send and pick up courtship signals. As we said before, this game is completely controlled by women. For the most part, men simply react to the signals they see.
Some magazines are trying to assure readers that men gradually master the courtship rituals, basing this conclusion on the increasing number of men who watch their appearance. Today, men do plastic surgery, manicure and pedicure, dye their hair, correct bite, use conditioner for hair, face creams and powder. In 2004, Gillett conducted a study that showed that the Scots were spending the most time on their appearance. On average, they spend at the mirror 16 minutes a day. However, this behavior speaks more about the increased male vanity, and not at all about the ability of men to recognize female signals of courtship.

American women dream to hear three words from their partners. Do you think that "I love you"? Not at all! These cherished words - "how have you lost weight."
As in the animal world, men at the sight of a pretty woman, that is, a potential partner, begin to preen. In addition to the purely physiological reactions that we have already talked about, the man begins to straighten his tie, his shirt collar, brush his imaginary dust off his shoulder, pull at his cufflinks or watches, pull his jacket or shirt down.
  Male signals and gestures of courtship
This man clearly noticed a pretty woman.


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Body language

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