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What do men pay attention to first?


In the book “Why men lie and women roar,” we talked about which parts of the body women and men pay attention to. The results were absolutely unambiguous. Men pay attention primarily to those women who have good reproductive data and sexually available. When it comes to body shape, both men and women prefer members of the opposite sex to athletic build. In men, the sports figure speaks of good health, and in women, the ability to successfully produce offspring.
Studies show that men are most attracted to women with childish faces - with large eyes, small noses, full lips and cheeks. Such attractive faces awaken in men the paternal instinct and desire to protect the woman. That is why on the posters of plastic surgery clinics we see just such persons. Women, on the contrary, prefer men with adult faces - they need a male defender. Women like strong chins, thick eyebrows and large noses.

A woman with a childish face stimulates the release of hormones in men.
A man immediately wants to protect a woman, to become her reliable support.
It is nice to know that in order to attract a man, a woman does not necessarily have to be beautiful by nature, although beauty, of course, gives her some advantage over competitors. A woman should simply be able to signal that she can be available. That is why some women who do not differ in physical beauty have no end from gentlemen. Men are more attracted to accessible women than to physically attractive ones. You can well learn to send the necessary signals, which will significantly increase your popularity. For some women, the very idea that men are attracted to a woman’s appearance and accessibility, and not her ability to love, care, communicate, keep the hearth or play the piano, is unpleasant. And they consider the reasoning on this topic to be a sign of the degradation of modern women.
But almost all studies conducted in the last 60 years speak of one thing: a woman’s appearance and body are much more attractive to men than the woman’s mind and other abilities. And this situation has not changed even in our politically correct XXI century. A modern man wants from a woman the same things his ancestors wanted in the Stone Age, but, as we said in the book Language of Relationships, his criteria for selecting a partner for the long term changed. In fact, a woman needs to attract the attention of a man, and only then conquer him with her inner virtues. When you go fishing, you put on a hook a bait that is attractive to the fish, and not to yourself - that is, a worm, and not candy. The idea that you can eat a worm is disgusting to you, but for fish it is a real delicacy.


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Body language

Terms: Body language