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What does science say


Most women have a more organized and communicative brain than men. Images taken with nuclear magnetic resonance clearly explain why women have better communication and evaluation skills than men. From fourteen to sixteen areas of the female brain assess the behavior of the interlocutor, whereas the man has only four or six such areas. That is why a woman, having come to the party, can immediately assess the relationship between the other guests: who quarreled, who is in love with someone, who recently broke up, etc. It is not surprising that women consider men to be incredible to be silent, and men think that to make women to be silent almost impossible.
As we already said in the book “The Language of Relationships”, the female brain is focused on multitracking. An ordinary woman can simultaneously speak two or more unrelated topics. She can watch TV, talk on the phone at the same time, listen to the conversation behind her, and still drink coffee. She can, during one conversation, touch on several completely different topics and use five intonational secretions to change the topic or emphasize something. Unfortunately, most men are able to recognize only three such excretions. As a result, when women try to communicate with men, they often lose the thread of conversation.
Studies show that a person relying on visual signals arising in personal communication makes more correct conclusions about his interlocutor than the one who trusts only in words. And this helps them knowledge of body language. Women own this skill subconsciously, everyone else can learn it. For this we wrote our book.


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Body language

Terms: Body language