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What does body tilt mean


We have already said that the distance between the interlocutors depends on the degree of interest or proximity. The inclination of the bodies of people involved in the conversation, allows you to understand their relationship to each other.
If the beast is going to attack, he stands right in front of the enemy. If another beast accepts the challenge, it remains in place. The same applies to people. If the animal just wants to get acquainted with another animal, not intending to attack, it will suit from the side. You probably noticed a similar behavior in dogs. People do the same. If a person is actively speaking to his interlocutor, standing directly in front of him, his words sound quite aggressive. If the same is said by a person standing a little to the side of the interlocutor, he is perceived as self-confident and purposeful, but completely non-aggressive.
So that you are not considered aggressive, stand up so that you are at the corners of a right triangle (see picture).
  What does body tilt mean
The interlocutors are in the corners of a right triangle. None of them considers the other aggressive

In the figure, the men stand in such a way that their bodies are turned towards the imaginary vertex of a right-angled triangle. According to the location of the interlocutors, we can say that their conversation is friendly. Mirror poses suggests that these people have the same status. With this arrangement, a third interlocutor can freely take part in the conversation. If a fourth interlocutor connects to the conversation, a square is formed, and if the fifth and sixth - then a circle or two new triangles.
In confined spaces, for example, in elevators, crowded buses or subway trains, where it is impossible to turn around the whole body, we turn only the head.

When people seek intimacy, they turn to face each other. So do both men and women seeking to monopolize the attention of the interlocutor. In this position, it is easy to notice other gestures of courtship. The man does not just turn to the woman, but also shortens the distance between them in order to enter the intimate zone of the interlocutor. If she accepts courtship, she turns to face the man and allows him to invade her space. The distance between two people standing in closed positions is usually less than between those who stand in open positions.
  What does body tilt mean
A face-to-face arrangement in a closed pose is an attempt to completely capture the interlocutor’s attention.

In addition to the gestures of courting, the interlocutors can copy the gestures of each other and establish direct eye contact (if, of course, both are interested in each other). Closed poses can also be used by people hostile to each other. In this case, such an arrangement can be regarded as a challenge.
Studies show that men are afraid of attacks from the front, so they do not like to stand face to face with the interlocutor. Women, by contrast, fear attacks from behind. They don’t like it when a person comes to them from behind. Never stand face to face with a man you just introduced. If you are a man, your behavior will be regarded as a threat, if you are a woman, then as a sexual interest. It is best for a man to approach a woman from the front and be located in the corners of an imaginary triangle.


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Body language

Terms: Body language