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All in your palms


Using palms and handshakes to establish control

  All in your palms
In ancient times, people opened their palms to show that there were no weapons in their hands.

On the first day at the new workplace, Adam wanted to make a good impression on his colleagues. When he was introduced to another employee, he energetically shook his hand and smiled broadly. Adam's height is 190 cm. He is a handsome, well-dressed man, literally radiating success. Even as a child, his father taught him a firm handshake, and Adam kept this habit in adult life. After his handshake two bloodshed under the rings. Even a few men felt pain in their palms. Some men began to compete with Adam on the strength of a handshake, which is quite natural. Women were forced to suffer in silence. Very soon, the employee began to avoid Adam, considering him a rude. It cannot be said that this would benefit him, since the management of the firm for the most part consisted of women.
We encounter hands and palms in everyday life and in speech almost constantly. Everything falls out of your hands, do not bite the hand that feeds you, wash your hands ...
Hands played a very important role in human evolution. The brain is much more closely connected with the hands than with any other parts of the body. Very few are aware of the behavior of their own hands or the power of a handshake. Nevertheless, it is these gestures that immediately make it clear whether it is a question of domination, submission or forceful play. For centuries, open palms have been associated with honesty, truth, loyalty and humility. When a person swears, the palm of one hand puts to the heart, and the other raises up. Witnesses in court lay their left hand on the Bible, and open the palm of their raised right hand in the direction of the jury. In order to understand whether the other person is honest with you, follow his palms. A dog as a sign of humility and surrender to the winner puts the opponent in the throat. People, in exactly the same way, demonstrate palms to show that they are not armed and pose no threat.

Submissive dog substitutes rival throat. People show palms.


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Body language

Terms: Body language