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Women lie much better, and this is true


In the book “Why men lie, and women roar,” we told you that women recognize interlocutors much better, and therefore can better manipulate others and lie. It manifests itself even in infancy. Little girls often cry for the company, and sometimes make other babies cry, bursting into tears just like that. Sanjida O'Connell conducted a long study of how people lie. She also came to the conclusion that women are lying much more skillfully than men. She found that women are lying sophisticated and difficult, while men prefer the unsophisticated lie: "I was late for the bus," "There was a battery in my mobile, and I could not call you." Dr. O'Connell also found that attractive people believe faster and easier than unattractive. That is why Presidents John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton could say anything without fear of consequences.
created: 2014-09-28
updated: 2024-11-14

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