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What does the briefcase mean?


The size of the portfolio is directly associated with the status of its owner. Those who carry large, bloated briefcases believe that they are doing all the work. Such people often take work at home, because they do not know how to properly dispose of working time. Thin portfolios indicate that their owner relies on employees and, therefore, occupies a rather high position. Always carry a briefcase in the same hand, preferably in your left, to be able to calmly shake hands with your interlocutor when meeting. Women should not carry a handbag and a briefcase at the same time, as this combination gives the impression of disorganization and indicates a lack of business skills. And you should never use a portfolio as a barrier between yourself and the other person.


Whatever object we take, it will always be associated with rituals and microsignals, which manifest themselves absolutely unconsciously. The more such items we use, the more obvious to others are our intentions and emotions. Having learned to interpret such signals correctly, you will be able to more accurately determine the mood of the interlocutor, and therefore your communication will become more effective.


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Body language

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