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How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings


Practically everyone perfectly understands the language of the movement of politicians, because we know that politicians constantly pretend that they believe in something they absolutely do not believe in, and they pretend that they are not at all what they really are. They spend most of their time pretending, dodging, dodging, deceiving, hiding emotions and feelings, hiding behind smoke screens and mirrors, welcoming imaginary friends in the crowd. But we instinctively feel that their bodies are sending us contradictory signals. Therefore, we prefer to see politicians at close range in order to bring them to the clear water.

What signal tells us that the politician is lying?
His lips move.

For one television program, we conducted an experiment. This time we used the local tourist office. Tourists entered the office to get information about the sights and places of interest in the city. They were sent to the counter, where they talked with a bureau employee - a young man with blond hair and a mustache, in a white shirt and tie. After a few minutes of conversation, the young man leaned under the counter to get the booklets. And then from there came a completely different man - shaved, with dark hair, in a blue shirt and without a tie. He continued to talk with a tourist from the same place where the first employee interrupted. Surprisingly, almost half of the tourists did not notice that she was talking to another person. Neither men nor women paid attention either to the change in the character of the body language or to the completely different appearance of the interlocutor. If you do not have the innate ability to read body language signals, you are likely to miss important information. In this book, we will tell you about what you do not notice.

Kinesika (other Greek: κίνησις - movement) -
KINESICA (DR. GREEK. ΚΊΝΗΣΙΣ - MOVEMENT) —– a set of body movements (gestures, facial expressions) used in the process
human interaction (with the exception of the movements of the speech apparatus). Kinesika studies the reflection of human behavior in its non-verbal manifestations, which include facial expressions, pantomime, “vocal facial expressions” (intonation, timbre), spatial pattern (zone, territory), expression, which can be decisive in the interpretation of pronounced statements.

KINESIC MEANS Kinetic agents are visually perceived movements of another person that perform an expressively regulatory function in communication. Kinesics include expressive movements manifested in facial expressions, poses, gestures and looks.

1. Facial expressions. A special role in transmitting information is given to facial expressions - facial muscle movements
Facial expressions are expressive changes in the face. It reflects the mental state of a person, attitude to the environment, the speaker’s own statements and actions. In the eyes and in the whole appearance of the speaker there is as much eloquence as in his words.

  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings

2. A look. A look, or visual contact, which is a very important part of communication, is very closely related to facial expressions.
IMPORTANT PART OF COMMUNICATION Using the eyes, the most accurate signals about the state of a person are transmitted, since the expansion and contraction of the pupils are not subject to conscious control. Thus, not only facial expression carries information about a person, but also his gaze.

  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings

3. Pose - this is the position of the human body, typical for a given culture, an elementary unit of spatial behavior
UNIT OF SPATIAL HUMAN BEHAVIOR. The main semantic content of the pose consists in the individual placing his body in relation to the interlocutor.

  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings

4. Gestures. As easily as a pose, the meaning of gestures can be understood - various movements of the arms and head, the meaning of which
HEAD, THE MEANING OF WHICH IS UNDERSTANDING FOR COMMON PARTIES. In the process of communication do not forget about congruency,
i.e., about the coincidence of gestures and speech utterances. Speech utterances and the accompanying gestures must match. The contradiction between gestures and the meaning of statements is a signal of lies.

Below are hand gestures and their meaning. Gestures and postures characteristic of a person with non-verbal communication are accompanied by pictures.

  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings

Open palms

A gesture of openness and truthfulness, recognition of the authority of the interlocutor, trust in him. Best hand gesture.

  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings Palms turned to themselves
A cordial invitation to mutual understanding and closer contact. Words coming from the heart
  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings

Sharply turning hands

The interlocutor tries to be correctly understood, actively gestures, is quite frank in his statements.

  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings

Thumb and forefinger touch
Supporter of pedantry, correctness, logic. Gesture of a moralist and mentor. Not to be confused with the “OK” gesture. .

  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings Palms up, fingers half bent
Attracting leadership, power. The desire to dominate and manage the situation.
  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings Clasped hands gesture
Hands are twisted in the face, they signal in unjustified expectations and in an attempt to hide their negative attitude.
  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings

Gesture of hands clasped lying on a table or on knees, if a person is sitting
Even if a person smiles and speaks in a joyful voice, the gesture gives out disappointment and an attempt to hide the annoyance.

  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings Gesture "Pyramid"
It testifies to self-confidence, as if replacing the words "I know all this." Characteristic for leaders in a conversation with subordinates, for people giving instructions to others.
  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings

A glance over the glasses gives a critical attitude to what is happening, forcing the other person to defend themselves and make excuses. It’s good if a person takes off his glasses when he puts on and when he listens.

  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings

Nibbling glasses
The desire to take time to think. Soothing gesture. Smokers use cigarettes for the same purpose, and the child sucks a finger.

  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings

Deep thought, immersion in the world of one’s own thoughts and feelings. Accompanies a final decision.

  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings

The listener supports his head with his hand so as not to fall asleep. A complete lack of interest is demonstrated when the head is completely in the palms.
Often, at the same time, she begins tapping with her fingertips or foot, demonstrating impatience, unwillingness to listen further.

Actual interest is shown when the hand is also slightly leaned against the cheek, but does not support the head. The fingers are bent.

  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings Critical Assessment
When the index finger points vertically up the cheek and the thumb supports the chin, this indicates that the listener negatively or critically evaluates the speaker or the situation as a whole. Not to be confused with a gesture of interest
  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings

Chin stroking
The gesture of making a decision. If, after previous evaluative gestures (boredom, interest, critical assessment), ask for your opinion, a gesture appears to stroke the chin. It’s better not to interrupt or rush him.

  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings Authoritarianism, aggressiveness
The desire to command, to impose their own rules of conduct. The right hand is clenched. I am fist and raised, as for a blow. Often accompanied by threats and increased voice.
  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings Readiness for contact
Loose posture, head straight, calm facial expression, slight smile. A manifestation of openness and sincerity.
  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings

I listen and obey
Readiness for complete submission to the interlocutor, admiration for him. The body and head are tilted to one side, the hand props the cheek.
The bowed head and the bow often testify to a playful mood, coquetry, love..

  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings

Smoke up

If a person blows smoke, then he experiences positive feelings: self-confidence, superiority over someone, a positive assessment of the situation.

  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings Smoke down
If the smoke goes down, then the person experiences negative emotions, negatively assesses the situation, suspects you of something bad, or tries to hide some thoughts himself. If a person releases smoke down and through the corner of his mouth, this indicates his strong negative attitude towards the situation and his secretive nature.

8. Congruence
- a condition in which a person’s words correspond to his actions. His non-verbal signals and verbal statements correspond to each other. The state of integrity, adequacy, inner harmony, lack of conflict. Congruent person - this is the first
it’s the one who never lies and never lies to others. Such a person is attractive and inspires confidence. Such people want to open up,
because you too get involved in his sincere and open communication without falsehood. Such a person can easily find a common language with other people.

Pictures on request Congruence

  How to cope with the contradictions of body language? Kinesics, Kinesic techniques. findings

9. Kinesic knowledge is necessary for everyone to better navigate in various communication situations, consciously giving the necessary signals
at a non-verbal level, purposefully influencing the interlocutor, disposing him to himself. Mastering inesic knowledge and skills, you can
keep yourself in the right state of health, attitude, acting on your psyche through your own posture, movement, gesture.


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Body language

Terms: Body language